Branding, Communication Strategy, Digital Media, Workshops, Events, Public Awareness, Educational Campaign, Educational Programs & Media Relations

Audience: General Public, Media

Welcome Home – words and design as shelter from confusion

The Ministry of Housing exists to answer man’s second need after food, namely, shelter. Everyone wants a home. But for many the process of home acquisition appears confusing and intimidating.

To support the Ministry’s mission and remove obstacles to engagement, cmb literally rewrote and redesigned their literature reformatting content by market segment and media channel, achieving welcome by educating through authenticity, relatability, clarity, appeal and awareness.

Information on grant opportunities, available public housing schemes, building your own home and the correct channels to take to avoid being conned out of your money were now easily and equally accessible to different demographics.

Introduction of the KNOW HOW GUIDE

The basic element of the communication strategy is a guide covering all information, policies, regulations and processes, designed and decoded to ensure that everyone understands.

Every single section and page was rewritten and illustrated to make the complex content easy to digest and understand.

The campaign was supported with an educational program, an open house series, where the content of the guide was brought to life and experts would answer questions from the general public, developers and other related stakeholders.

Social and digital media supported, built awareness and educated the public further.

To increase relevance and target audiences more effectively, we developed quick guides for different life stages. Here’s the example of the e-brochure for Millennials.